Monday, June 7, 2010

And I will be still...

This post is long overdue... Instead of listing down my excuses, I'm going to go right to the point....

I started a new job in a big medical corporation last week!!! If you read my older posts, this is the blessing I have been so excited about. You know why?

Ever since I switched my career into the medical field, I have been given an entry level positions through my family and friend's contacts. I even gotten my past two jobs without a proper interview. They just called me and said, "wanna work for us today?", or something along those lines. Although I am very grateful for the opportunity and the experience handed to me, I didn't get the sense of accomplishment. See, for more than a year, I was RELENTLESSLY applying constantly to get into the medical field, specifically the hospitals and big medical corporations. And after the hundredth resume submitted and a thousand prayers, I didn't even get one call. I became hopeless and broken hearted. 

And just when I thought I already have the greatest job I was going to get, I got that ONE call. That call was from the HR department of this big med corp. They said they have my resume on file and they have a position open for me and if I was interested to come for an interview. I mean come on! That resume was sent more than 6 months ago!!! I know this because I have that sent email to them saved. 

God knew I could do better and I deserved better. God knew I got desperate. God knew I felt like He does not hear me and I was broken down in spirit. And so I guess in proving that He does hear me, He put MY resume on top of the BIG pile in that BIG HR dept. of that BIG Corporation. I could've easily gotten lost in all the paper work. But he proved that my patience and stillness in Him was all worth it all and it still is....

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
Psalm 62:5

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