Friday, April 9, 2010


The hubby and I are starting this long 3 months of painful and hopefully rewarding journey called P90x!

We were on our 3rd workout last night which was Arms and Shoulders and Ab Ripper X. 

It was EXTREMELY HARD!!! I already had tremendous amount of muscle pains from our 1st and 2nd workouts and I could barely do the full reps.

I'm so glad though that I have a GREAT WORKOUT BUDDY! I definitely think that this time I will stick and follow through the program because of my hubby's support. (This is the 3rd time I'm attempting to do P90X)

If you haven't heard of P90X yet then just turn on your TV and for sure you will come across it in an infomercial. I must say that this is the one of the many infomercial products that impressed me. (I have the Jack Lalanne Juicer and it's great!)

Well after the workout I was feeling famished so I had a little snack.

This is my first time trying Kashi cereal and it is DELISH!!! I had it with skim milk and it hit the spot.

Although I noticed that this particular variety is pretty high in Calories but I'll look around in the grocery store next time if they have a much more low calorie kind of cereal.

Well tonight I have Bible study and Yoga X in my schedule. I tried Yoga X many times before and it is my favorite out of all the P90X workouts! It always gives me a great night's sleep which is great because I have to be in my office 7:45 am tomorrow!!!!

I hope you guys enjoy your weekend!!!!


  1. Great post! How are you feeling on your 3rd day with P90X? I know it's hard, but the rewards are worth it! Good luck and keep blogging!

  2. i visited your site n was good enough then othere site that i visited last month

    work and study


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